Saturday, April 2, 2011


In addition to creating delightful cakes for our esteemed customers, we also cater to the needs of our fellow cake bakers as follows:

Stencils for Sale

We sell stencils for cartoon characters, embroidery designs, seasonal designs for Easter, Christmas, Valentine’s day etc. You can also order custom made stencils for your logos, etc. We also specialise in message stencils for those who are not too confident about writing ‘freehand’ on cakes or just wish to add a more professional touch to their decorated cakes.
*Orders for stencils not currently in stock may take a minimum of two weeks to arrive.

Sugar models for sale

You can place orders for your bride & groom sugar models in traditional/ foreign attire to your preferred specifications. We also mould children’s characters, inanimate objects such as fruits, etc. Just give us your details and we’ll make cake decorating stress free for you!
*Models must be ordered at least 8 working days in advance.

sugar flower for sale

We also make sugar flowers in colours requested for by you. You may order them singly or in bouquets.
*Depending on the quantity of flowers, orders may take between 1 to 3 weeks

fondant & flower paste

Do you have a large order and do not have the time to make your own fondant or flower paste? We can provide both within 24 to 48 hours depending on the weight required.

           Un-iced Cakes

We also supply cakes to supermarkets and eatries. You can order for resale, your company functions, children parties, picnics etc. at very affordable price.

Free Counselling!

Sometimes all we bakers need is a listening ear and someone who has been there before to encourage us and set our feet firmly on the road to our dream. At Cake 'n' Candy we delight in giving free advice to the up and coming ones. Feel free to call us between the hours of 10am and 5pm, Monday – Thursday to book your appointment.

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