Saturday, April 2, 2011

RECIPE . . .



The gingerbread is made by melting method, and is an easy cake for children to bake


  • 350g/12oz Self-raising
  • Flour
  • pinch salt
  • 2Tsp Ground Ginger
  • 2Tsp Ground Ginger
  • 175g/6oz Butter or Block Margarine
  • 2 Rounded Tbsp Golden Syrup
  • 2 Rounded Tbsp Dark Treacle
  • 175g/6oz Dark Muscovado
  • Sugar
  • 2 Eggs, size 3
  • 150ml/1/4 Pint Milk
  • Cinnamon Glace icing
  • (Optional)
    • 225g/8 oz Icing sugar
    • 1/4 Tsp Ground Cinnamon
    • Freshly Squeezed orange juice, to mix


  1. Set the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Grease and line a 20cm/8inch square cake tin.
  2. Sift the flour, salt and spices into a bowl. Place the fat, syrup, treacle and sugar in a suace pan or in the microwave oven, and heat until the fat melts. Stir together, then cool slightly.
  3. Pour the melted mixture into flour, then beat in the eggs and milk. Pour into the prepared tin, Bake for about 11/4 or until firm in the centre. Leave to cool in the tin, then turn out and store 1-2 days before eating. The longer the cake is kept, the sticker it becomes.
  4. Pour the melted mixture into flour, then beat in the eggs and milk. Pour into the prepared tin, Bake for about 11/4 or until firm in the centre. Leave to cool in the tin, then turn out and store 1-2 days before eating. The longer the cake is kept, the sticker it becomes.
  5. To freeze wrap in foil. Keeps for 3 months.
Culled from Traditional Cakes and Pudding by Ann Nicol & Hilaire Walden.

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